A couple summers ago, I opened a letter from my dad as I began a journey in Huntington Beach, CA that ultimately has changed the way I live. He wrote:

“I hope this helps you lead an extraordinary life, which you know is my goal for you”.

Spending my summer on the west coast in 2021, I began to own that mission. I decided my life was going to be extraordinary. It was easy at first- I was living on the beach with 10 girlies who were inspiring and so much fun. We were exploring, traveling, growing, and doing things that fit into my perception of “extraordinary”. But when I returned to the east coast, I began grad school and it was back to normal life, still good… just more… mundane.

I began to dig into the question, “How do I make my everyday routines extraordinary?”. And that’s when I began the habit of 10 EXTRAORDINARY JOYS. I started writing down ten things in my day that were ordinary, routine, mundane… and finding reasons to label them as extraordinary.

This practice began to transform my mindset. I began to see the joy in both blue skies and rainy days, in chaos and in rest. My eyes were fixated on simple joys of windows down, conversations with friends, health, family, green grass, good food, and the list goes on...

I’ve learned that living an extraordinary life doesn’t mean big trips, travel destinations, or thrilling adventure. Living an extraordinary life happens when you decide to label EVERYTHING as extraordinary, EVERY DAY. This is the mission for my life, and the reason I have created the extraordinary collection. It’s not always easy, but living with this mindset has given me a fresh, joyful perspective the past couple of years. I hope you’ll join me in the chase for an ordinary, extraordinary life <3

