
If every day was a meal, what’s in your diet?

Do your days consist mainly of jealousy, complaining, and seeing the worst? Or are they filled with optimism, encouraging, and seeing others?

Obviously, every day can’t be perfect. As imperfect people, negative emotions and reactions will always come up. Trials will stare us in the face and we aren’t expected to be happy-go-lucky all the time. Although we can’t control everything that happens around us, we can always control what we feed our soul. Choose to fill your soul with life-giving habits.

The SoulJuice Hoodie encompasses the habits that your soul needs to stay healthy. Choosing to see things sunny side up, recording extraordinary joys, serving others… Then there is other practicals such as consuming the right foods, being active, and drinking enough water. The nutrition facts list is SoulJoy’s recipe for soul health.

Implementing these practices has helped me stay on a steady journey of joy even when life brings highs and lows, so I hope it does the same for anyone who decides to freshly squeeze their own souljuice daily!


Enjoying the Ride
