“Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side of life”

The older I get and the more people I meet, the more I realize this is easier said than done when life isn’t happy-go-lucky all the time. This summer, I’ve met some incredible people who have been open about some of the hardest times in their lives. I’ve watched my own family navigate sickness and people close to me grieve the loss of loved ones. I’ve seen the toll of mental health struggles and friends go through pain that makes it impossible to simply slap a bandaid over all of it.

Reflecting on all of this led me to this question: How can SoulJoy be an authentic display of joy with an understanding of these things? How can this brand honor those grieving, struggling, fighting, etc.?

I want to promote JOY.. not toxic positivity. Life is hard. At some point, we will all face trials that make us feel stuck, confused, lost, and discouraged. But there’s always a SUNNYSIDE.

“Greetings from Sunnyside” isn’t a way to convince you to look at good things or ignore what you may be going through. It’s not inauthentic silver lining. It’s not meant to make you feel like everything should feel a-ok when you’re right in the middle of grief or pain. Sunnyside is the growth, the trust, the patience that you cultivate when you take things one day at a time and keep moving forward in your darkest moments. The expression “if it’s not good, it’s not over” is a little cliche, but I believe in it, and it encapsulates the message of this design.

This shirt is a postcard with a promise to anyone who needs it. One day you’ll be in Sunnyside sipping pina coladas, proud of yourself for facing your fears, your diagnosis, your grief, etc. head on. You can do it <3


SoulJuice By the Beach