Take the Long Way Home

If you’ve ordered a summer collection item, you received a card with three rules of summer. The first is to wake up with the sun and the last is to finish every day with a sunset. Rule #2, however, had an entire design dedicated to it because we believe it’s THAT important. That second rule is to TAKE THE LONG WAY HOME.

We live in such a fast-paced world and there's always something we can get done. Getting from point A to point B becomes another thing on the agenda that we are trying to complete as quickly as we can. But this summer, we want to invite you into a difference practice that will give you a chance to reflect and increase your capacity for JOY!

We invite you to take the long way home whenever you can. I’ve noticed that some of my best ideas, my deepest reflections, have occurred in the car and (surprise) NOT on crowded highways. Taking the long way home, turning onto your hometown backroad, slows you down atleast 30mph which gives you the time to soak life in. To think about what you’re grateful for, blast your favorite song with the windows down, and notice the beauty you’re driving through. It slows you down enough to think about the people in your life, reflect on your mindset, call an old friend.

Joy, unfortunately, is countercultural in the world we live in. So is being slow-paced and present. So let’s be countercultural together: Slow down. Count your blessings. Take in the beauty around you. Self-reflect. Jam out. Recharge. Call your friends. Tie your hair up and roll the windows down. TAKE THE LONG WAY HOME… EVERY TIME.


SoulJuice By the Beach


Enjoying the Ride