Enjoying the Ride

The last couple of years, I’ve been learning first hand that progress is greater than perfection, the process is more important than the prize, and the journey is more valuable than the destination.

I created the design on the back of the ENJOY THE RIDE Hoodie back in spring of 2022 after I had committed to use my last year of NCAA eligibility to play beach volleyball, a sport I had never played before. Preparing to train that spring, I knew it was going to be hard to go from a 10 year indoor career to starting at ground zero and learning to play a new sport.

Naturally, I’m a perfectionist. Like everyone else, I want to be great at what I do which can lead to feelings of not being good enough and struggling with confidence when there’s a gap between where I am and where I want to be. When I am striving, I lose sight of the joy of becoming.

The thought behind the orange on the roller coaster is this: as we all move through life, we’re often waiting for the peak, climax, the most exciting part of our journeys and can lose sight of the climb. But what if we loved every minute of the climb just as much as the climax? What if we took in every moment with so much joy because we know that the process of becoming, learning, and taking small steps is just as exciting as the “bigger” moments?

It’s easy to go through the motions. It’s easy to sit and wait for what we want. But I hope to be a part of a community who really falls in love with the small moments. I hope to be one of many that experiences joy on the journey, during the process, and in small progress. I hope we can all just ENJOY THE RIDE 🎢🍊🌞


Take the Long Way Home

